‘The Digital Mask’ explores the theme of deep fake technology and its impact on society. The figures in the artwork are rendered in a dark, almost ominous tone, hinting at the potential dangers of this technology. The large cubed-computer structure appears to be reproducing the main figure and it serves as a symbol of the power and reach of deep fakes, as well as the potential for them to be used for nefarious purposes.
The composition of The Digital Mask provides you with the role of observer, close, but not quite within reach to stop it. It commands your attention and persuades you to consider the role it plays in shaping our understanding of truth & authenticity in the digital age.
Showing at Superchief Gallery in Los Angeles, California USA
March 2 - March 10, 2023

This artwork explores the complex relationship between humans and artificial intelligence in a fast-moving, technology-driven society. We question the theme of deepfake and the role of AI in shaping our view on art, culture, and work. With the emergence of new technologies every day, it's becoming increasingly difficult to separate the human influence on artificial intelligence from the AI influence on us.
Deepfake has its potential to manipulate reality and change our understanding of the past and the future. We question the authenticity of our thoughts, actions, and experiences in a world where AI can create art through us. In this age of Artificial Intelligence, are we the creators or servants of AI? Perhaps we are still the real thinkers and not just sheep in a digital pasture.
Showing at Superchief Gallery in Los Angeles, California USA
March 2 - March 10, 2023